Why Everett Christian?
Quality Christ-centered education:
Everett Christian School, in partnership with parents and churches, are committed to helping every student reach his or her full potential by developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed in life. In addition, Christ is the core of its instruction which points to Him who is our Lord and Savior.
Historic Roots:
Everett Christian school has deep roots in the Everett area and Christian Community. Since being established in 1926 the school has continued its quality and Christ-centered education. Many parents who once attended ECS as children now send their own children to Everett Christian School. In fact, there are children who have parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and even great-grandparents that attended Everett Christian School, which shows the success and ongoing commitment to quality Christ-centered education.
This is your school! Everett Christian School is a parent-run school, where together as Christian families we partner to raise our kids to love and serve The Lord. As a parent-run school, you have the opportunity and are encouraged to volunteer and be involved in the life of your school. We take seriously the investment that you are making in your child’s education and view the partnership of home, school, and the church as key components in helping kids see that Christ is Central.
Parent - School Partnership:
Everett Christian School partners with families in the Christian formation of the whole child as we view each child as unique and created in the image of God. This means that ECS works hand in hand with parents as we strive to develop the heart, soul, mind, and body of each child in God honoring ways.
Christian Formation:
At ECS, we affirm the biblical truth that student's minds, hearts, and souls will be shaped by their parents, peers, and teachers. Therefore, we employ spiritually-Godly, emotionally-wise and pedagogically-skilled teachers who teach in combination classroom settings and we embed our 10 Distinctives throughout the curriculum and daily activities.
Accreditation, Approval and Associations:
Everett Christian School is an OSPI approved private school. In 2012, Everett Christian was accredited by Christian Schools International (CSI), an accrediting agency recognized by the State of Washington. Everett Christian School was re-accredited in the 2016-2017 school year, and we continue to maintain this accreditation. Everett Christian School is also a member of the Northwest Christian Schools International (NWCSI) and the Washington Federation of Independent Schools (WFIS).